Daddy's "Techie" Girl Leading nOMad to the Next Frontier

We had dial up in our house in the early 80’s because my dad was a computer programmer for the Nature Conservancy. I always thought it was odd he worked in computers to “conserve nature”…
Dad would sit me down at the computer to play games test my typing skills (along with Frogger, of course). I resisted because I just wanted to dance and go outside to play with my friends. He told me that computers were the future and I had to be prepared. There was one time he said that (again) and I replied, “I DON’T BELIEVE YOU! I HATE COMPUTERS! But if that’s the case I don’t want to LIVE there!”
Dad was right…
Here I am typing on a little screen to post on social media to send it out to the world for it to pop into your own little world as you to read on your little screen.
It has become clear that technology is never going away since the last 20+ years living in the age of internet, then smartphones, the last 10+ years of social media, and the last 2+ years with a global pandemic to put us all at home only to connect through technology.
BUT I believe as we evolve into this techno-colored world, we have to remember what’s INSIDE our hearts and OUTSIDE that computer screen…because these are the places our true human connections reside and always will. Technology can be a weapon against us or a tool to help us make these connections on an amplified level. The pandemic confirmed that for me in both ways but I prefer to focus on the good…
These last few years, I met so many brothers and sisters around the world because of technology. As we celebrate nOMad’s 8th birthday today, I am grateful to know the dream of truly being a global community has happened because of technology (and yes, social media being a big part of that)
I was definitely a daddy’s girl back then and still am after all these years… (can’t you tell from our pictures? Please note we are having fun away from our computer. ;)
Today would have also been my dad’s 77th birthday…
I am happy to know I will be celebrating my dad by signing a contract to begin a new path of my career that will be putting me right in the center of it all; using technology to live, work, teach, mentor, coach, and PLAY in the cloud AND connect more deeply in life and within ourselves.
I have some exciting news coming soon for nOMad, but for now, I am honoring my dad by admitting to him (up in the clouds ;) that he was right. I know he would have been proud of me because in my own way, I am also “conserving the nature” of humanity through technology.
If you want to read more stories of mine, please check out my book, Dear Radiant One...
1 comment
Conserving the nature of humanity! Yes, especially important now that Big Brother owns twitter.
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